Acts 2:7
“Utterly amazed, they asked, ‘Are not all these men who are speaking, Galileans?’”
The book of Acts is filled with accounts of shock and amazement at the works performed by the disciples. This particular passage above had to do with their ability to convey the good news of the gospel in a multitude of languages they hadn’t learned to speak. Of course, some accused them of being drunk. However, the speech Peter makes to the crowds quickly rule that argument out. He presents the “Good News” to his countrymen with such passionate persuasion that three thousand receive salvation. WOW! It almost sounds like a first-century Billy Graham crusade. What an impact Peter had on those around him but he’s Peter, a disciple of Jesus, right? Would we expect anything less from him?
A Divine Revelation
Unfortunately, “utterly amazed” would not be the terminology used to define the impact Christianity has on our nation today. Too often, Christians give people something to talk about that reflects negatively, not positively, on the church, Christ, and/or our witness as believers. Our judgmental, holier than thou, bible thumping attitudes create disdain for the things of God. That’s why Christians are often seen as hypocrites. We pretend to have it all together but don’t. Sadly, our marriages, our children, and our daily lives don’t look that much different than the world around us. Why would anyone be draw to a faith that delivers so little in the way of hope for a better life?
Do we, as believers, even know what we believe so we can live it out? Does our Christianity make people stand up and take notice or run away? Do our lives, as believers, WOW anyone anymore? It would seem that we have forgotten what we have been saved from and what we were saved for. If we fail to convey how amazing God’s grace, mercy, and love is to a lost and dying world. What’s the point of being saved?
A Divine Challenge
Well, you might say, “I’m not Peter, Paul, or one of Jesus’ disciples. I’m not Billy Graham, John Wesley, or Charles Spurgeon. I don’t have a degree in theology. I can’t memorize Scripture or knock on a door and share my faith with a complete stranger.” Well, let me ask you, “When did God need you to make the miraculous happen?” People won’t be utterly amazed if what we’re doing only reflects what’s true of us. The only way anyone sees God through our lives is if it IS GOD working in and through our lives. When we, as believers, limit what He can do through us because of insecurities or our own personal limitations. We’ve once again missed the point of our mission as believers. Paul says in Phil 4:13 “I can DO ALL things (godly) through CHRIST who strengthens me.” John 15:5 says, “Apart from Christ I can DO NOTHING (godly).”
Call to Action
When we allow God to penetrate and infuse our lives with the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit like Peter and the disciples did. The world will be utterly amazed! Beloved, they will take notice and who knows what kind of powerful impact that will have on the lost and dying world around us. It’s time for us in the power of the Holy Spirit to “Give-em Something Utterly Amazing to Talk About!”Father, You are a miraculous God, and in You, we can do miraculous things! Increase our belief in You and decrease our dependency on our flesh. When we do, the utterly amazing can happen in and through our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!